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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Call duck work

    I picked up my male call ducks today from a friend who had borrowed them and I brought them home to reintegrate them. The females were all very angry with them and gave them what for.
    I had to work them to see how they would work because I have agreed to be part of a talent show in a couple of weeks which will involve herding call ducks on a 15 by 30 stage.  I wanted to see 1. if they  would herd and 2. if my herding dog could work them. . The answer is yes to both questions. Dare was quite nice on them,staying slow and way back without me telling him to do it.  They also are going to be very  good in teaching him how to push straight. I had him fetch them to me and they didnt' want to come to me so he had to push and cover. It was a lot easier than doing Indian runners. The calls are so much slower that he could get the idea of cover and push.  It was a lot of fun.  I am going to enjoy working them and getting what I want out of Dare.

     I downloaded the aussie natl's premium today to see what I want to enter and maybe I will work on some obedience and enter the dogs in that in addition to stock.  I don't think I want to try agility with them. I would be too much work and I just don't feel it. But I could  whip them into a Novice obed routine fairly easily,maybe even an Open routine.  I will start playing tonight. Nothing like a good goal to motivate.

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