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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Training Day

 Lots of people  came to work dogs today and we had a good time.  Worked the cows a lot. They got kinda cranky and I think Edgie bit one and drew blood.  Nobody else's dog seemed to get that close. 

 We pulled all the panels that we had set up for Roger's clinic and reset up the duck arena.  Then we worked ducks so I could practice judging.  It was not that hard but all the dogs were pretty darn good and didn't cause me to think too much.  I could use some wild dogs to  practice judge on please.

Betty and Donna and Bob all took turns working Dually on ducks. Betty actually did the best and I think it's because she trains with me primarily and uses the same commands and uses her stick pretty well.  I think it was an eye opener for Bob and Donna who are used to the immediate responses of the BC's.  My dogs have to think about things first. LOL

We put some dogs on cows that have never been on them before. Mary's kelpie Fizz and her Bc Bryce and Betty's nutty BC Peak.

We started at 8and quit at 3. LOng productive day. 

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