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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lambs travel to Harvard

I had a girl call me a few weeks ago trying to find a sheep for a movie she was making at school--Turns out it's Harvard University. I didn't have anything suitable but I knew Nat had some bottle raised sheep that might work. We talked and decided that she could use one of 2 sheep for $500. This girl was fine with the price and excited to boot. I told her she would have to come and get it for that price. No problem. I thought she would just back out after a while but here she is picking up 2 sheep for the price of one. Nat and I decided they would do better as a pair and be quieter. AFter all they were going to be staying in a courtyard in the center of Cambridge for 4 days, it might be better for all involved if they were quiet at night. So, after a quick lesson of how to handle, feed and bribe them, off they went in the Zip car rented for the purpose of sheep transportation. The movie will be a fairy tale type and she said it would be playing at Harvard when it was done so I plan to go and see it.

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