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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Journey updat

He's  better but  still not quite there yet.  He's still taking the meds the last dr gave him, but he still has a discharge from his nose.  IT's better don't get me wrong, but it's still there.

Today I am trialing Edge and Kip on ducks sheep and cattle.  Edge worked the cows a little yesterday and they were babys and olders cows.  He got in the slot much more easily on the away side and had a lot of trouble on the go bye side. I am going to go to the fence and see if he can keep them to me that way today.  He was also pretty wound up and zooming a lot.  Must calm him down.

Lots of Finals dogs here this weekend so should be great competition!

Have I ever said that Alabama has the entire market on flies?   I have been killing them in the trailer for the last 1/2 hr and everytime I think I am done, I see 3 more.

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