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Friday, December 16, 2016


Even though I got up late, slept in my nice warm bed I got stuff done. .  It's so easy to throw the dogs out in the dog yard and go back to bed.

I hung the head gate that Cindy and I made when she was here. It's hung and its in there pretty solid. I dug the holes for the 2 b y 4's down 3 feet. It's so easy to dig here.  I had to pour a little  water in the hole every time I pulled some out because the sand is hard to grab unless its damp.  Anyway, it's up on hinges so I can open it and leave it open if I dont want to use it.  I also made a little hanger on the front of it so I could hang a square feed bucket to teach the stock to put their heads thru the opening.  I can't try it until I get the chute fencing up which I also started to do.Thank goodness for the golf cart because I must have had to go back to the house 20 times for tools.  If I had to walk I would never have gotten done as much as I did. It wasn't just tools, I had to keep making cuts to get stuff to fit.

I sent to the lumber yard to pick up some 2 by 4's and they were having a party ,but very nicely loaded me up and told me to come pay them on Monday but I had cash  so I was happy to pay then.

I have been researching bathroom vanitys and sinks.  I have a plan.

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