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Sunday, November 27, 2011


   I had planned on leaving at 7am but I didn't want to get out of bed.  I still had packing to do and the trailer was not hooked up or even closed up..  I was still doing laundry this morning.  I forgot poop bags.   I had to back up numerous times this  morning to get hooked up. My lining up ability was bad.  I actually had time to take the dogs out  back for a little exercise before we left while Mikey wandered to the front yard and waited for me on the front porch.  Dare did not want to get in the truck and we had a fight about it.  Now I know why.

   Drove fine till about 3pm and apparently there was a backup on 81 just north of Harrisburg. The family in the minivan had too stop short and I didn't have enough room to avoid smashing into them.   I stood on the brakes but with the trailer in tow, I just couldn't stop.  No injuries even though the back window shattered all over the kids in the car.   Sorry....

I looked at my truck and could hardly find a scratch. They told me it was a tank when I bought it.   The minvan will need a whole back end including the hatch and probably some stuff on  either side. It was drivable but they thought perhaps they shouldn't with the kids and all. They  were incredibly nice about it.  Sorry

Anyway I'm ok , the dogs were unhurt  , I stopped at a campground right after that  because the traffic was too heavy to want to keep going anyway.

It 's a nice KOA and I can run the dogs in the cornfield,although they are all asleep at my feet and it's only 5:30?  Maybe we are all stressed. Tomorrow will be better because the Thanksgiving traffic  will be over?


  1. oh no!! Hopefully the trip improves tomorrow. Be safe.

  2. Crap I'm glad everyone is ok! Take your time and we'll see you soon.

  3. Oh, so sorry. No fun to start a trip that way. Glad everyone is okay.

  4. Just got home from school and had a min to check and see how the trip is going. Thank goodness you and the kids are ok.
