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Sunday, January 19, 2014


The little darn red lamb whom forever after shall be known as Trouble, apparently fell,jumped or climbed into the freezing cold stock tank today.  Not sure how long she was in there but I happened to glance out the window and see her.  I ran out there in my slippers(thru 2 inches of snow)and grabbed a towel on my way.  I pulled her out and started toweling her right away.  When I put her on the ground she started to shiver so I bundled her up and took her in the house to warm her up. As I was going in , the dogs were going out to see what the commotion was and as a result, I didn't have to fight the dogs off when I walked in.  I held her on my lap in front of the wood stove wrapped in a blanket until she stopped shivering which took about 1/2 hr and then I took her back out to Mom. I locked everybody in a stall with a heat lamp just in case she was still cold.  A few more minutes and I might have been pulling a dead lamb out of the water.

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