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Friday, November 13, 2015

Dually food

Gosh what a pain in the neck he is.  I mixed up SoJo premix for him and put in ground raw chicken and then I have to prime him like a pump.  After a couple of forced spoonfuls, he decide he can eat it. Too much work for me.

I went down to Janet's and got more BARF raw food that he thinks is crack.  Tonight I gave him just a little of that full strength to get his pills down and then I mixed the rest of the patty with sweet potato and some of that same ground chicken that he is not that fond of. He at it all and licked the bowl clean and then came back to lick the bowl again.  And that was after I gave him a lamb bone with quite a bit of meat on it so he ate a lot for him tonight.  So I should have plenty of food for a month if I am judicious with it.  That sweet potato should stretch it and it's good for fattening him tooPlus I have the ground chicken and a roll of ground beef and a lot of ground organ meat.  We should be fine for  a while.

Today he worked ducks.  I set up a little crazy course for a student and did it first to make sure it was doable with Dually.  It was fine.  He wants to work but he's so slow for him.  But he's still having fun and that's what counts, including taking  a bite every darn time we work ducks now.  I'm not getting on him so he gets worse every time.  Bad doggy.

No work for Edge or Kip today. Tomorrow I will work both of them.

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