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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day 2

  I decided to go back to the trial today. It's kind of addictive.   Edge and I NQ'd again on the first trial. I called it too quick because again he kept going back to a litter tube and not the rat tube. We took our time trial 2 and q'd.  We need one more leg for our RATN title. LOL

I went into Ocala and picked up my new recliner  and they forgot to collect the balance from me. I'm sure they will catch up with me somewhere along the way. The couches that I want are now on sale . Yay

Looks like Leila now has kennel cough and the ONLY place she could have gotten it was at the vets. I'm not very happy about this fostering thing.  I'm not going back to that vet with my dogs either. There are other vets and I will hopefully find a good one. Maybe I will get lucky and not need one.  Best case scenario.

So now I have 2 chairs in my living room and a rug. Starting to look like a home.  Need some pictures though. I saw a huge one of a horse today but it was over $300.  Maybe someday.

Another trial tomorrow and it looks like there are a lot of them this winter locally. 

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