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Friday, January 13, 2012

Lambing begins

    I went out to the barn for the first time today around noon and heard a baby crying but I couldn't tell if it was a lamb or a goat. I opened up the top half of the stall door and it was a little black lamb so Dare jumped in to check it out . The ewe was still down and there was a non breathing white  lamb on the ground. It was still warm so I swung it around a bit to see if it would breath but nothing happened.   So 1 good ewe lamb.  Sorry Mama, maybe I should have been there earlier but good healthy lambs should not need my help.

I was inside cleaning out my spice lazy susan for the first time in ahhhhh(since 97) and then I made banana bread which I had my doubts about but boyo is is good.

Now I have to run over to the vets and pick up some rimadyl for Mikey because I didn't send his script in to get it filled on line someplace. Still gotta do that thought cause I am only picking up 1mos worth of the stuff.

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