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Saturday, September 1, 2012


  Dare won the ADV A ducks today with a 90.5  and 4 HC pts and HIT to boot.  I didn't realize I was that close to finishing his championship but I guess we were.  He got 2 pts yesterday and 3 today so that gives us 3 majors and 16 pts.  

Good thing he pulled that out, because he got excused on the cows for lack of progress(lack of interest too).  He was obviously stressed and wanted my help and I couldn't give it to him but when I decided to go and help him she, called my run.  Bummer. I made him go chase and whoop it up on my cows when I got home and now he is in his crate for some enforced rest.

 Dually had a decent INT cattle run but he didn't finish his outrun without 3 o4 extra commands from me and that was too  many and that's where we lost the run.  He did well on his duck run until the cross drive and then bit one and then dove thru them so I pulled him.

The puppy got out a lot more today and no messes in the crate. Peaches stayed home and minded the house.

Just found pieces of a dead duck in the Indian runner pen. They are now in the covered pen. Not sure what got in or how but the easiest place is from the top. Now I only have 10 IR and one of them is not so good to work.  I bought a bag of duck food on Tues and it's gone today.  $15.49 a bag.  Ducks are very expensive this year. Next year, maybe only keep call ducks, they eat less.

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