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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pork chops with an apple/onion sauce

   I pulled a recipe off of food network by Anne Burrell. It was easy and good. It called for fresh rosemary which I fogot to buy so I trekked out into the yard and dug down 2 ft in my herb garden and Voila a fresh albeit frozen piece of rosemary.   I also made mashed potatoes and broccoli and I had a strawberry sundae with chocolate chip ice cream or dessert.  I had dessert twice.

     So I was worried about the sheep last night. I was sure that somebody was going to lamb in the biting wind and they wouldn't be able to get in the barn because the door slammed shut.  I was up at 4am to check.  No lambs and the barn door was still open.  I can't seem to get the tank heater for the ducks plugged in the morning although it was pretty dark out there. It's light now maybe I will go check. 

     I am awaiting a Mass Save rep today to go over my house for leaks and upgrades .. Cant' wait to hear what he has to say.  They do help you financially to get your house more "green".


  1. I am really curious what Mass Save has to say. We have lots to do to make our new home more efficient.

    I hope the sheep lamb during the day for you!

  2. You're going to have a long month if you keep getting up at 4 am to check on sheep....


    At least you're not worried about your guardian dog eating the lambs -- I really had intended to keep April apart from the sheep while they were lambing, in case she had a problem with it. Guess we'll find out the hard way! (Mine are technically due any day now, but nobody looks particularly imminent, my guess is I've still got a few weeks.)
