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Tuesday, February 8, 2011


     Why is it that they never come when you want them to come? I had planned that all my lambs would be born in January so I could wean them and the ewes would be dry and ready to work by the Apr/May clinics.  I know that Sparks was breeding them, I saw him but he must have been shooting blanks.  So they are pregant but I'm guessing now that my next years ram bred them this year. He is young but enthusiastic.
     Brownie is just starting to look big, Olive too and she is bagging up a bit. You never know with these sheep how long it might be  before they lamb after you start to see bagging. Sometimes it's a month.  I still can't tell if Pony is bred.  I'm pretty sure Sophie is and Pinky and Crazy legs too. So minimum of 5 lambs.  Sophie and Olive are first timers so they will probably only have singles.  It would be nice if I could tell when they were ready so I could put them in the barn . There is a lot of snow out there and no place for them to get away and lamb in a clean area.
    Today , although it is snowing big huge heavy flanks, is dump day.  I am not a big fan of the dump, but you gotta to . It's beginning to look like a redneck lives here with trash all over the front porch.  I need to build a trash area. I'll put that on the list.  (Gr)

1 comment:

  1. As soon as we can find the ground lets build a trash area One nice thing about being so sick is that I'm not there everyday driving you crazy looking under the sheep all the time
