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Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Surgery

 Since I didn't blog about it, I will tell you how it went. It was about 3 weeks ago and I was totally back to normal in a week.  They kept me in 1 night as expected  and I got zippo for sleep.  CAn you imagine waking someone up at 3 am and saying good morning time to take your blood. Not this chickie and they got an earfull. I had just fallen asleep at 2am.  I was not a happy camper.

Anyway, the pathology came back negative, which you would think would be a good thing, but it was not supposed to be negative. There was a positive biopsy for cancer and the PET scan had lit up and the TSH levels were way too high. So basically it looks like they went in and removed everything they could see even though nothing looked cancerous and closed me up. So now I am waiting for the results of another TSH test and if they levels are low then they got it and if not then they missed it.  The unfortunate thing is that it is screwing with my departure date for Fla.  I am now planning an AHBA trial stop on the way down and then maybe an ASCA stop in Alabama before I get to Fla. 

I have also been giving some thought to buying a house lot to park my travel  trailer on while I am down there. I have been looking on line, but that is hard so I might have to wait till I get there.

5 lambs went to their winter home  yesterday and she will take one more this SUnday.  The other sheep will be here for a while longer. I am still doing lessons, although after all the snow we got yesterday, I am not sure how much longer I can do them.

Tonight was my obed class and my nosework class. Dare was great and in a good mood. His heeling was very nice and we did stands, and recalls and finishes etc. If he could do that well at a trial I would be fairly happy. Anyway, he has never been worked out if the training building so it would be a miracle for him to do well at a trial.  Dually was a big happy goofball. His heeling was bad but he was happy.  Nice recall and fronts and great retrieves.

Peaches gets the nosework and she did really well tonight. Very much on task.

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