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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Putting the ewes and lambs in the barn

    It would be nice if I could use Dare to do this but he will invariably do something stupid.  So I used the young calm sensible dog Dually.   Who'd thunk?  He wouldn't take a flank while he was in front of me and he was hard to call back to reflank but Dare would have just dived in full speed.  I did call Dually back to me and stood in front of him and asked him for a flank.  He took one but didn't go deep enough to catch the ewe and lambs behind the section of fence. That's ok , I walked up and outed him and they still wouldn't come out so I walked in the got behind them.  I guess they wanted to spend the night outside and I would love to let them but they are predicting rain and I would worry.There is no dry spot out there for anybody never mind little lambies.
     So I got them into the barn area and closed the gate(yay snow has melted enough to close some gates)and again tried to flank him in front of me. guess I need to work on that. He was good though. no diving in and a good helper.  I then let him come in the stall and be with the sheep. He didn't care , he was more concerned with the cat up in the loft. He's a good boy.
     I  sent in an entry for the ASCA trial in Ind in April and I filled in another for the AKC trial  a few days later.  The ASCA trial is am/pm and I entered both dogs.  so that is 12 runs a day.   Kill me now!

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