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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The curse of the Vest Tongue

If you have a Vest dog or have seen them work, you know they have generally very long tongues. Hang down to their Knees long. Dually has a very long tongue. Sometimes when he is relaxed the tip of it hangs out of his mouth. It's usually a good thing to have for a working dog, but down here in Fla, in the pasture that I am in there are a lot of small pricker bushes. very sharp prickers and lots of bushes. So when Dually is running around with his tongue hanging out, he often gets his tongue caught on the prickers and is tongue is bleeding quite often. He does try to avoid the bushes since they are in groups but there are a lot of little loose bushes too and it's really hard to avoid them. So I would hope he would learn to keep his tongue in his head, but I doubt it.

Today was my sister Joans birthday and so I bought myself presents. I got a new grille and my new recliner came in. My recliner feels sooooo good.

Tomorrow I go in for my gym evaluation and they will suggest what classes for me and I am looking forward to it. I bought some workout clothes,but I haven't tried them on and I can't see what they look like because I have no mirror. Probably a good thing. I think I might need a pair of sneakers. Maybe I can do stuff in my hiking boots. lol

And today when I worked the dogs, I was very happy. Dually is taking my commands very quickly and his stop is improving. Actually driving around the small pen was "amazing".

Edge is working farther away from me and he looks like he has more intent in his drive. I let him "hit" them yesterday and that increased his intent today.

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