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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

working 3 goats and one lamb

    Somehow the dogs thought this was inherently wrong.  Dare worked them all , but kept both eyes on the lamb and made the lamb run so he could chase it down. I don't condone this behaviour and he was soundly chastised. He didn't  care.  He did bite the goat when I asked him to.  The goat was standing at the gate saying make me and so we did.

   We fetched them across the field with Dare overflanking the whole way. He seems to think that is how he has to move them. It worked but it's not pretty. Then we worked on the hold pen out and the drive to #4. I think he was getting it.  More days of that and a much better out is needed.

Dually did the same exercise .  He had to be told a few times to get back and pick up goats. He thought still goats were invisible goats.  LOL.  He had his eye on the lamb too.  We did the same exercise to the hold pen and the out and then the drive to #4.  He had a much harder time of it than Dare.  I was working on his "There" this is where i want you to walk . He didn't want to walk there but we kept at it.

 BTW   Sheep love caramel corn.  I thought the goats would get it, but I'm not sure they got any. I had an old bag of it and I threw it in there and they cleaned  it up. Not a kernel  left.

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