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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So yesteday and today I worked on doing quick flanks with Dare in the control pen. He got it pretty quickly, but I think it ramped him up for the rest of the training sessions which didn'tgo that well. The down was bad and he was not thoughtful although he did some nice presents to me. I did a little work on his getting up quietly by (trying) to down him as soon as he got up. And I worked on his out. My goodness we worked on a lot of things!

Dually worked on walking up and not diving in with little sucess. He seems panicked when we walk up within 10 ft of the sheep. I'll keep calm and keep working on it. His flanking was very nice and I did a little work on quick flanks with him too, but I don't think I will do that again. It seems to get the too high.

It's cold out and wet today, about 50 deg. The ducklings are doing well 1 wk old = 8 Indian runners.

Tomorrow I am going to the BobVest handlers clinic. Hopefully the weather will be better.

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