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Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Weekend

It's Sat and I spent a bunch of money today. I got this really cool t-shirt that has a cartoon of a dog with dirty feet and it says Dirty dogs have more fun. Cute
I bought something to take care of the urine smell in the yard, I hope it works and some bug spray for Dare because the horseflies are bugging him. Along with sheep grain,layer pellets,dog food and cat food. I am leaving for a week and I want to have everything all set for the farm sitter.
I was supposed to build a frame for the roof of the duck pen today but I couldn't get motivated. It was hot today. I did some gardening and put the grain away and worked 2 dogs and gave a lesson. The lesson went well and the training went well too.

Dare worked on staying where I put him in the sortingchute instead of coming up and biting the rear (lambs) all the time. This has been getting worse and worse and I have been letting it go. Well it's going to bite me in the ass this weekend at the Farm trial because I have to use a sorting chute and go in a trailer and get the sheep out quietly (hah). Then we did a little work on walking up and turning in on the There command. He is not sharp at all and sometimes (a lot)doesn't turn in at all. Obviously a flaw in my initial training. Ah well keep on trucking..

Dually was a good boy and still jumped in on the pressure but was better without the pinch collar on. I used a body harness and he jumped in with less panic. I think the pinch was making him panic and then being that close to the sheep. He did much better tonight without it. I also worked on the stand from the down and vice versa. He got it today and last time not so much . He is very quick to learn, but I do have to train him.
Kathy called from the agility trial and told me Peaches was being a good girl and doing very well for her. Apparently some people at the trial recogized her and also told her she was handling her very well. That's great!! Peaches is having an outing.
Mikey went swimming at Joan and Michaels camp. So everybody had a good time today.

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