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Monday, June 10, 2013

Another Rainy couple of days . GEEZ

I was supposed to go to Greenfield today to take a lesson with the boys but It started to rain early afternoon and I am not going to train in the rain if I can help it so I canned the lesson.

So I put some more trim in the bedroom and moved some of the furniture around.  And then I put the towel bars up in the bathroom. I am toying with the idea of putting up the toilet paper holder but the old one appears to be a bitch to take out and the wood underneath is not going to match so maybe I wont' put it up at all.

The cows keep mooing like they are hungry. They have a bale of hay and I let them out in the arena to eat grass and I went out in the rain and gave them grain and they are still mooing.  Maybe they dont' like being left out in the rain . Too darn bad.

So tomorrow if I get help, I am going to finish the trim in the bedroom and start painting some of the bureaus.  Still too much wood up there. 

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