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Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Monsta

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who grew up knowing  something but not knowing it at all.  I was just thinking about this piece of furniture that now resides in my basement.  My Dad made it probably 50 yrs ago for my Mom to keep her sewing machine and other stuff in it.  It originally was in our very small kitchen in Auburn where I grew up and I remember it very clearly there.  Anyway it's pretty big and for whatever reason he painted it a pink or peachy color.  It had a name.   It was called the Monster.  I've always called it the Monster and it will always be called that by every member still left of my family , but the funny thing is I didn't realize  until I was well over 30 that a Monster is not a particular piece of furniture like a table or a desk. One day it just dawned on me that it was a  nickname.   I don't think I ever went to a furniture store and asked where their Monsters were, but that would have been pretty darn funny.


  1. We had a piece of furniture called The Monstrosity. I thought it was kind of like credenza, or counterpane, just another word for something in the house. I did realize that not everyone had a monstrosity, but well- it is unique, and actually kind of a handsome piece, just really big. My parents still have it in the living room.

  2. Monsta must be a central MA thing. Bostonians would refer to it as a Monstah.

    Down here in RI we would call it a Mawnsta, which is something served with a grinder and a cabinet.

