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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Edgie pup

I took Edge out to bring all the sheep out to the arena and he did that very nicely, but when I got there, I realized the cows had escaped into the arena and I had to get them out before I could bring the sheep thru. I thought having Edge work sheep and goats and cattle at the same time was a recipe for disaster. We left the sheep in the alleyway and I swallowed hard and took Edge out to round up the cows. He can be rather enthusiastic. I got between the cows and him and I sent him around and gathered them up very nicely and drove them down to the gate and right into their corral. We went back to get the sheep and he did a nice little flank and brought them out quietly.I asked him to lie down while I closed the gate and then he got up on his own and quietly gathered them again and I let him do it because it was all nice and quiet. He brought them to the repen and we put them in and then I used him to gate sort different groups into pens. He wasn't perfect but darn close to it. Later on , a friend and I were working the A course and I had her set up a group of sheep and goats for Edge and we worked a full lenght of the arena outrun. NOt bad for a little guy. We did the whole course and he is a little bit too busy but still very nice.

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