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Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Bob Vest herding book

I got mine in the mail a couple of days ago and I have read most of it even though I find herding books extremely difficult to concentrate on. Truthfully I skimmed some of it. It is a good reference book for anyone who has worked with Bob and I spent 12 years going to 3-4 clinics a year. I think I absorbed a fair amount from Bob. Anyway I did find some things that I had not been utilizing in my lessons or in my own training and I have started to implement them with my students and my own pups. One major exercise is the short flank exercise on a line where you are driving the stock in front of you and you stand still and pull the dog across your knees as you give them your short flank word and follow it with a "there" and "walk up". I had been thinking about this exercise before I got the book and I had realized that I had neglected it but the book made me do it. Edge is already getting it after 3 sessions and Dually who knows his flanks very well, has a real hard time going in front of me,but he always has had a hard time. He got better after a couple of times doing it too. Betty and I are going to talk seriously about doing a herding workbook with well illustrated exercises. It would not be a money maker but a labor of love. fun too

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