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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trial update

We went to Maine for a trial last weekend.  It was a farm trial and an arena trial am/pm.  Dually needed 1 leg and ADV sheep farm to finish and he did a beautiful job. Almost perfect.  Edgie was next and he was almost as good.  So Edge Q'd in 2 ADV sheep and ADV duck runs and finished his titles .  They both need ADV multi stock titles but that was not offered this weekend.  Edge got High Combined Farm dog. 

Dually did really well this weekend in the arena trials but also showed me our weaknesses.  He won a .lot, but I can't give you specifics.  He did end up with High Combined Aussie, High Combined cattle  and sheep too.  We got excused onducks on 1 run so we missed that one.  He grabbed a duck and was spitting out feathers. The judge was not amused.

His Cattle runs were good and got better each day.  I am going to need to search out some hay and borrow some cows before Finals I think.   That is my next job.

Then on to a 3 day clinic which was awesome.  We did some really hard stuff on cows and on sheep too.  Great practice for Finals but again it showed me where we were weak.   Great fun having Jean Barrett  and Mumble there too to play off of.   She makes me up my game and get competitive in a good way.  Can't wait for the next clinic. She is going to come down here in Sept .

Some papers came re: the new house today and I can't make heads or tails of them.

Edge did some great work at the clinic too. He was really working much farther away from me and actually driving. 

So on the way home I stopped at CAmping world to get the couch fixed and the frig panel replaced. They ordered the wrong color panel of course so they will order another one and hopefully somebody can pick it up and bring it down and I won't have to drive up there again. The damn couch was not broken but the guy that I asked to demo it had no idea how to do it and so he thought it was broken and it really was not.  dumb dumb dumb. 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home. Great job. Good or bad news about the house ??
