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Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Cluster

 I took my annual trip to the Cluster today, mostly to see Greg and Laura, but I shopped a little too. I took Dually and he was very excited to see so many potential friends(peoples).  He got very tired even though he was only out of his crate for about 1 hr.  I guess he is not resting much in the car.  But the good news is he is still eating his BARF(which for those of you who dont' know is a frozen raw food).  I am able to mix mashed sweet potato with it to try and up his calorie content and  he is still eating it really well. He is getting about 1/2 cup of sweet potato so I will try and up it a little more. The more food I can get in him the better I will feel.

I bought a pound of a raw pork grind to see if he will eat that.  It is defrosting now.  I also bought  a bag of freeze dried tripe.  I have some frozen I have been feeding him but need to find a source.  I also bought a neat see thru ball with a handle on top and bottom and a tennis ball inside. It squeaks too.  They seem to be intrigued by it.

  Tomorrow is going to be a cold day for me.  I think I have 5 hrs  of lessons in the morning and I don't think it's going to be over 40. yay. But then I will come in and crank the pellet stove and take a few hours to get warm.

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