Bet you are wondering what? Well it's legal to sell used mattresses in Fla and I need one for the guest bedroom. I found one on a facebook site and it was close to me. I finally got a hold of the guy and went over there onTues night to look at it but could not see much so I asked him if could come back and he said yes. I did not feel well on Wed so I texted him and told him it would be Thurs. He did not respond to that text but I texted him anyway on Thurs am and asked what a good time to come over would be. I had gone to the bank and gotten cash and cleaned the car out so I could get the mattress in and I was ready to go. But I got no response from him all day so I went looking for a new mattress . I stopped at one store but the least expensive was $399 and I did not want to spend that much so I found another store with a more confortable mattress for less. They loaded it up and I took it home. As I was unloading I started to pull out the box spring and all the stitching was wonky on it so I am taking it back to exchange it today.
Yesterday I also went to the local obedience club to see where it was and talk to someone there. I found it and I talked to guy who could only complain about the BOD'S decisions regarding the facility the fans the AC etc etc. Not convinced I want to do obedience anyway so not sure what to do. It didnt' really look like a fun place.
Kip has been working the new goats very well. They are starting to get the idea of moving off the dog. They stink and I am already thinking about selling them and I have had them less than a week. Nat you will appreciate that.
I also found a place to get a case of chicken backs for the dogs yesterday. good price too
Heheh. Told you!! -Nat