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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Travel Day

    I was warm last night.  Yay!!  It was suggested to me that down here it is very humid and moist so the cold is much colder which could explain why I have been so cold for days.  I feel better today.
     Dare went to play with the neighbor dogs again this morning and I had to go get him. The other doggies stayed right with me, but he snuck off.  2 bitches next door that he apparently likes a lot.  I am going to take them out to play a bit one last time and then load them up in the truck.  I think I will make myself a sandwich to bring for lunch. Carol has some nice homemade bread and maybe some cheese and turkey.

    I researched campgrounds last night and I see there is one about 300miles from here and it looks like a good place to stop. They all seem to have wifi so that is a good thing. 


  1. Drive safe. So Dare is a ladies man now is he !! Everything is fine here.
