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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The New Clearing

 Yesterday they all showed up at once, the excavator guy, the dump truck guy and 3 helpers and then Ed showed up and Kathy and later on my Brother in Law Michael. It was a very busy day.  Gradually the helpers left and so it was just Ron and Tim and Ed.  We were having trouble coming to an  agreement on how the work should be done.  They didn't want to do it the way I was describing.  They worked till lunch and then came back and talked me into doing it their way.  Probably will be better and more useful in the end.

Anyway , they were starting to maybe hurry closer to the end of the day and overfilled the dump truck which then sunk a little on one side in the soft sand and when he tried to dump it , it tipped over.  Totalled. Glad I'm not paying for that.  NOTE: It's leaning against my pear tree that I was trying to save.  Hmmmm

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