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Monday, April 11, 2016

Eastern Diamondback Rattler

Yes I had an encounter. I locked the dogs in the goat yard this morning because the plumber had to work on the outside shower in their yard. 
So they were in there for about 2 hrs.  I had to go out and measure the working pen for a student and while I was doing that I could see a snake looking out from under the barn.  I don't know snakes but it was not black ( a good snake ) and it did have a diamond back pattern. So it went back in and I went in the house to look up snakes of Fla.  Hmmm still not sure so I went back out to sit and wait for the snake to come back out.  I took a chair.  I did not have long to wait.  She came out slowly right towards me.  I took some pictures and then moved to the other sside of her and took some more.  Back inside and this is definitely a rattler. So I  took my pistol out since that is the only weapon I own.  I did not want to get  close enough to hit with a shovel. 
The pistol was a comedy of errors. I could not get the lock off and then I went out with bullets and no clip and had to figure out why it would not fire. Then I had to go back in and get the clip and try to remember how to load it.  I loaded it upside down at first and realized it was not going to work that way.  Mean while the snake is waiting  for me to get my act together. finally I get it loaded aim it and pull  the trigger but I can't  because I never chambered it. ok chamber it and bam . I think I closed my eyes. I know I missed it 3 times.  And she finally decided I was crazy and left.

Well at least no one died today.  After she left I went to the ammo shop and talked to a guy whou would  have come and caught her for her skin.  Next time.

I bought some moth balls and put them under the barn and the shed for good measure .  Then I shoveled dirt up against the barn so there was no way for a snake to get under there again. Might be babies under there but no way of knowing.

And that is how my day went .

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