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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Doctor called

Ok Yay. I'm not going to die anytime too soon.  The cancer is not in the chest and not even in the lymph nodes in the neck but there are still cancer cells growing in the thyroid bed.  Soooo they want to do a fine needle aspiration and the radioactive iodine treatment and surgery again.  Seems like a lot of stuff to me.  We need to talk about this a little more .

But in the meantime, I have decided to change my diet. I am going to cut out processed sugar, flour and processed meats. They all feed cancer cells especially the sugar.  It will be hard but I feel committed that this is the right thing to do to prolong my life.


1 comment:

  1. Glad the report was better than it could have been! Get the treatments, you have to much planned to take a chance!
