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Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 2 ASCA trial

Yesterday, which was day 2 was horrible.  I  had a noodle on a string trying to control Dually. He was not taking any direction when I wanted him to take it which caused me to start yelling. Honestly I was yelling at him all weekend and it took it's toll in the last run where he basically twirled and quit on me on cattle.  We never got a placement higher than 3rd and Roger wasn't even trialing. Back to the drawing board.  I'm pretty upset about the weekend.  It was piss poor in my opinion.  Some of the runs looked good but he was doing what he wanted and not what I asked him to do. I got 11/12 scores over 100 so 11 Finals pts out of a possible 24 pts available this weekend.

I had checked out of the motel early yesterday morning so I drove home in the afternoon because the trial finished up early .  We were done by 1 and I was on the road by 2.  The sheep are not here and wont' be back until Tues midday.  So we will work some ducks today. I checked when I came in last night in the dark and they are still here.

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