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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Puppy on ducks

Puppy was let loose on ducks yesterday.  Suffice to say, I was not impressed and I picked him up and took him off.  Running up the middle, splitting and chasing makes me crazy.
On the other hand, he scratched at the door to be let out tonight and that is a little more than just going to the door and looking out.  He is getting along better and better with Dually or maybe Dually is getting along better. Edge follows him around like he is a God.  Dually runs more than Dare and is therefore more fun to chase.

Bathroom is painted and boyo is is bright.  Not sure if it's the right color for this bathroom, but may have to live with it for a while. I though it would bring out the color in the granite but is seems to overpower it. Shower is still leaking , but he fixed the leak from the door. The corners are leaking though. They will be back tomorrow to put some trim boards on and rehang the door.

Jan comes in tomorrow at 5pm and I haven't yet got her room ready. The cellar is still a mess and I haven't started grocery shopping or cleaning the trailer.  The grass still needs some mowing and weed wacking and Ed is home sick.  Maybe he will feel better tomorrow.

I put all the sheep in the hold pens out back.  I was afraid 5 would not fit, but they were fine. easy in and easy out.  Dually got to help me do that.  Dare is with me all  day long now so he does not jump the fence and take off. I put a crate in the kitchen so that he will be less likely to hear my lessons or the clinic this week. I will put a radio on too to cut the sound.

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