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Thursday, August 1, 2013

6 cows in a 16ft pen is less scary than a power saw!

Dare is so scared of sounds that this morning , the workers were sawing and hammering on the front porch and I was trying to get a bale of hay out to the cows, he hid from me.

I took Dare out and put the sheep away and then went out and put all the cows in the 16 by 16 take pen so I could open all the gates and drive straight thru.  

I took the car out thru the fields and dumped the bale of hay. Dare layed in the shade  and followed the car back so I could get the tractor. While I was starting the tractor they were sawing up at the house and Dare bolted back to the cow pasture. I drove the tractor back there and I could not see him anywhere so I called him and he popped up behind the cows in the pen.  You would think that  6 cows in a small pen would not be the least threatening place to be.  It took a couple of calls but he came out under the gate and stuck with me until I finished putting the hay in the feeder but then I could not get him to come back to the barn so I could catch him. 

I closed all the gates and let the cows out into the field and went back to let the sheep out.  They didn't want to come out so I needed Dare but he would not come to me.  I put Dually out there and made some noise and Dare thought he was missing out on something so he scooted under 2 gates and helped me and Dually put the cows in a pen, and then I caught him.  I had to put him in the car for safe keeping while they were working today.  I really need to buy that doggie GPS tracker for him before I really lose him.

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