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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Baby day

   Mary was working on the farm today and the first thing she ran into was a some baby snakes in the barn . Yech , not my favorite thing.  And then while she was digging up the clematis she found a nest of baby bunnies.  sorry bunnies but you have to find a new place to live.  It was very dangerous living there anyway because there are dogs in there all the time. 

And then I took the tractor up to the top of the hill to get some fill for some holes in the pasture(sink holes) and I brought a load down the hill to Mary so she could spread it and a bunch of turtle eggs fell out of the bucket.  Apparently there was a turtle nest on the top of the pile of soil that I was using.  One had cracked open and she thought they were snappers so I guess I dont' really care if they don't make it but Mary reburied them anyway to give them a shot. 

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