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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Audio books.

I am excited.  I went to the library and they helped me figure out how to download books to my Iphone.    I am listening to a Janet Evanovich book.  I wanted a number of other books but its the only one that was available.  It's ok because I put the others on hold and they will notify me automatically.  How cool is that.

So 50 deg today  and most all the snow is gone and it has been replaced with a lot of ice, but fortunately it will be warm again tomorrow and maybe some of that will also be gone.

Just put 2 ewes in the barn tonight. One looks ready to lamb.  We'll see how good a shepherd I am in the morning. If there are lambs then I am good.  I will be leaving fairly early in the am to give a duck clinic so I hope they are up and nursing and then I can leave easily. Looking forward to the clinic.  I hope everybody is happy with my presentation and they feel they learn something.  We'll see.

So today while I was listening to my audio book, I baked more cookies.  oh did I forget to mention I made peanut butter cookies yesterday and molasses cookies today.   I am going to bring a bunch to the clinic so I don't eat them all.

I also ordered a remote camera for the barn so I can hopefully see when lambs are coming and be semi prepared. Of course it won't arrive until Tues and theoretically I could be done lambing by then. I don't think there is a chance in hell of that happening but anything is possible. I do have one ewe that did not have any milk for her lambs last year so I am worried about her.  And I have a ewe that is too small and should not have been bred, but I planned to send her to market so I was not careful and now she is bred and not at market.  Hope that works out for me. 

Dare went after Peaches today when I took some peanut butter cookies out to living room to eat them and he must have thought they were his because he  attacked her when she came near.  I threw the nearest thing  at him to stop him. It was only kleenex boxes but it worked. She has a little mark on the top of her head .  I think she was getting the best of him.  AFter all she is top dog and he does give in to her eventually.

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