A hobby sheep farmer espouses on training her dogs and running her farm, giving herding lessons and raising ducks,chickens,sheep and calves.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Glider ride
Greg and I went to Bar Harbor yesterday. He took me to Acadia National Park and we went up Cadillac Mountain which was very cool and the weather was perfect. I took some pictures which I normally do not do and will try to upload

And then we drove threw Bar Harbor but couldn't easily find a parking spot so we didn't stop in any of the neat shops that I saw. It would have been fun but it was getting late. We kinda got lost on the mountain and did a lot of extra driving. really pretty though. On the way home we drove by a biplane ride and glider ride place and I said I would go so we pulled in and Greg said no way he was going up in anything without an engine until the salesman very calmly convinced him it was safer with no engine because there was nothing to fail and you could glide and land most anywhere. It made perfect sense to me. We signed the paperwork, met the pilots and they packed the 2 of us into one seat and closed the bubble top. The pilot explained how the rudders and petals worked and they hooked a big cable to the front of the glider and off we went. The glider rose in the air before the towplane did. It was cool. They brought us up to 4000ft in a circular fashion and let us go. I had always heard how quiet it was in a glider and that is soo not true. It was darn noisy with the air rushing by the vents at sometimes 120mph. Sometimes we were only goint 30 to 40 mph but we did a quick dive and were going 120 in 2secs flat.You could not feel the speed at all. The pilot started to ask us if we did roller coasters and we did not know where he was going with that. I said kiddie roller coasters would be fine and he dipped the nose a couple of times and then turned really hard left and we dropped like a shot , just like in a coaster. It was very cool, but I didn't really want to do much more of that so he stopped. It was great flying over the coastline. You could see quite a distance and the pilot pointed out some lakes and islands and named some mountains in the distance. The landing was the coolest thing. It was quiet compared to a jet and we landed on the grass in what looked like a shallow ditch and he pulled the thing right up to a post sticking out of the ground and the nose touched it and stopped. I thought I had the video camera on the whole way, but apparently not. It was about a 20min ride and when I got out , the pilot had to pull me out like a sardine and Gregs foot was asleep so he couldn't move for a while. We got ice cream on the way home. It was a good day after a rocky start where Dare escaped from his crate in the car and ran down the street. A good Samaritan stopped to tell us he saw a loose Aussie down the street and we went after him. I whistled from the car and he came out of the woods behind us but would not come to me. He looked at me but kept running away so I pulled out my big guns and leaned down to the side of the road and pointed and yelled bunny bunny and Dare came running back to find the bunny and I caught him. Silly dog

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