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Friday, January 15, 2016

Strange Day

Dually woke me up early to go out.  Odd for him.  I let everybody out. It was just starting to rain. It rained all morning with quite a wind too.  I stayed up for about 1 hr and then I started to get a chill, It was not cold out.  I took a hot shower which will normally do the trick but it did not. I was still shivering when I got out and then  vomited too. So I crawled back in bed and doubled up on the covers. I fell asleep and go up about 1.  I felt a little better but no energy at all. 

However, I felt I had to wash dogs. So I washed 3 of them and then crawled back into bed for another 2 hrs. I'm not chilled anymore but I have no energy.  And the dogs I washed are still scratching. Not much but enough to set me on edge.

I spent yesterday calling around trying to find Capstar but no one had any.  I ordered some on line but not much. They were out of stock too.  So I will keep washing dogs.  hope this makes a difference.

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