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Friday, February 12, 2016

Barn Hunt Trial

  I entered Dually in his first trial. He got 2nd place in his first run.  His 2nd run he hit really hard on an empty litter tube and I called it so we nq'd.  I was afraid that might happen because yesterday we did  a senior practice run and he hit on 4 rats bing bang boom and then when I was trying to drag him away he hit on a litter tube hard.  So I guess he's a little confused on what he should be hitting on and that is to be expected since we have had very little training. But oh boy does he think it's fun.

Edge ran in Open and he hit on the first rat fairly quickly but the judge nq'd me because I had my cell phone on me. It was not on but apparently you cannot even carry it.  bummer. His 2nd run was beautiful and he won the class and High in Class too.

Finally I got a haircut today and a good one at believe it or not Walmarts.

I took pics of the goat I want to sell but I can't get them to upload to craigslist. damn phone

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