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Friday, November 16, 2012


   I had intended to get up early and go and watch a student at a BC trial today but I could not get out of bed and it turned out she overslept and never went anyway.  So at 10:30, I finally was ready to get out the door and I went to Eunice's to give her some lessons on her stock.  The dogs did some really nice stuff and I gave her some ideas of stuff to work on while I am gone.

Then I worked Dare on her heavier sheep.  I like heavy sheep,  because you dont' 'have to worry about them killing themselves.  He did some long distance driving and took some nice flanks and stops and I was pretty happy with him. Of course , it did make a difference that Eunice has pieces of hose laying around and I could pick on up and fling it when I needed to. Once he knows I can throw something, he starts to tow the line a bit better. No time to work Dually because I had to get back for a lesson here.  busy busy now tired tired

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