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Monday, October 5, 2015

3pm and I feel okay

NOt good just okay but that is a big step up.      The rash is bigger and it's starting to blister. Let the fun begin.  Not really very sore.  The percosets are causing digestive upsets and I think that is what is causing the pain that is keeping me up ALL FRIGGIN NIGHT.  I stopped taking them at midnight last night so I hope hope hope for sleep tonight. No sleepy no drivy.

I'd like to say I am all packed to go to Nationals but that would be a huge lie.  Not even started.  Why pack if I have really no idea if I am going on WEd.

I did walk outside and ran the dogs and then worked on some fencing for a minute and I felt better after I did that.  But I am back in side in front of the tv.

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