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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 2 trial results

ADv cattle 2nd place 72(that;s how hard the cattle were today)
And 4th place with a 41 (we were really cooking LOL)
Adv sheep--JCT ( he took a bite)baaaad sheepie
4th place 107  good run.
Adv ducks-=-2 bad runs on the same freaking group of ducks
Wow was that bad.   1  Q out of 6 runs.  Yikes that is really horrible.

Dually Std cattle 3rd place with a 35 and 1st placed with a 77(good group  of cattle that moved pretty good) and after the first day's encounter with cattle I think he wised up a little--just a little
Std sheep--2Q's with a first and second placed  73 and 74
Std ducks-2Q's with 2 first places 96 and 95 and Most Promising Started Dog
5/6 Q's and no Thank you's today. Hmmm maybe he is getting better.


  1. Sounds like there where big challenges. So happy Dually didn't suffer any after effects of his experience on the first day either in health or confidence. Congratulations on MPS!

  2. Sounds like you had a good overall trip. I'm glad Dually seems ok, that is a scarey thing! Congrats!

  3. Ah, the joys of working cattle. Now you know why I'm afraid of them!

    Congrats, sounds like it's been a very successful trip for Dually, and some good moments for Dare too!

  4. They aren't exactly my stock of choice either but the dogs love working them. Personally I like ducks.
