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Monday, April 4, 2011

More snow?????????????

 It's April What the heck ....   It flurried heavily as I was leaving the house this morning but it soon turned to rain and it looks like it rained off and on all day.  I was inside a hospital basement taking part in an orientation so I can be a volunteer.  They coudn't have made it more boring if they were really really trying.  OMG it was bad.  Anyway it's over and now I can be of some use.

The good news is the rain didn't seem to uncover a completely new crop of rocks where we have raked them up.  Yay , I'm not sure I could face more rocks there.   Half done maybe.    Looking really good. I actually threw some seed on it last night. It was seed leftover from last fall when I seeded the whole rocky thing.  There are a couple of blades of green grass here and there out there.  It will be sooooo beautiful when it all comes up, but of course I am going to HAVE to use it before it gets well established.    I'm sure there will be a price to pay when I do that, but I will still have fun working my dog out there anyway.

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