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Sunday, December 9, 2012


Dare and Dually both had nice goat runs with beatiful take pens.  Dare only had a bobble on the y chute and maybe on the way up to panel 1. It was very nice. Dually started to give my a hard time on taking the Away to me flank on panel 2 on the goats and it continued into the ducks badly.

Dare had a good first  and 2nd duck run. Dually's first duck run was a really nice take pen followed by a bite and a Thankyou. The ducks were really really hard to get off the back fence and one hen kept splitting off and that is the one he flew off and bit in front of the judge.
His 2nd run was much better (better ducks) and we made it to panel 2 without losing them but he would not take the away flank and kept going go by  which caused the ducks to get hung up in the corner and we finally just moved on and got them thru the chute pretty well. I bit of a bobble but ... and then he had to bite and split again at the repen. Surprised we didnt' get called again.

Geez we had some more good runs and we ended up with 2- 4th places out of 12 runs.

But we are done and I have a lot of finals points , but not sure that will really matter at all in the long run .

There were 10 WTCH's earned at this trial.  And many titles.  

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