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Saturday, March 7, 2015


Ok he felt really good the day after his massage work and then the next day I let him run and he has been severely lame since then on his right front. It's very obvious now where it hurts.  I am not letting him do anything and he is being good about it so far, but that wont' last.   I have an appt with a vet on Monday and I will hopefully get an xray and  a plan. 

If I am not going to be able to work him for a while then the trial he is entered in at the end of the month  is not closed yet and I should be able to get some money back on it. I will still trial Edge but he is only entered in the farm trials.

This cold has been kicking my ass, but I feel normal today.  Congested but not sick if you know what I mean.   

I worked Edge a little bit..  He is widening out on his flanks very nicely.  I am trying to get him to rate better on the fetch.  I think I need to do more walk abouts which are BORING  and a lot of work for me and I am so lazy.

I made spaghetti squash and apple sausage for dinner and it was very good.   very very good.

I will probably go out to a movie tonight. If I go to the late movie , the theater will be fairly empty and that is how I like it. I'm awake enough to go to the late one.

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