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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fetch the cows

   I sent Dare into the Calf pasture and told him to bring them. He zeroed in on the closest and youngest(Larry)and Larry wanted to sniff him. I told Dare to bite him but he didnt' bite him on the nose which was right in front of him.  He bit him on the shoulder and so Larry kicked him. Dare didnt' even flinch.  Then he ran down the pasture and Dare ran after him and they turned around and ran back to the other 2 calfs,at which time Dare decided he should bring them all. He was then poetry in motion moving each one individually  and keeping them grouped and he brought them all to me. And then when I said That'll do he was willing to come . He was not willing before that.

Today I will try Dually on the same exercise.  Go get them.

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