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Friday, December 13, 2013

Fairly Successful Day

Yesterday was Post Advanced cattle and goats.  Dually got 2 qualifying runs on goats and none on cattle. But that gave him is PATDs title.  Dare got 1 qualifying run on goats and I ran up the field on him on the 2nd one.  The goats kept splitting and finally 2 took off toward the far gate.  I let him go get them because I know he can. Dually would not have been able to bring them back. But then Dare was on a mission to bring them to me and he would not drive them away.  Ah well. But because of that , I did not put him on the cows which turned out to be a good decision because mostly the cows won yesterday and not the dogs.   Dually's 1st cow run , we got them to skim the first panel and I should have taken  that but tried to get them to go back thru and then they ran down the bottom of the pasture and I should haved gone to get them but I didn't I just repenned. The 2nd cattle run, he had a hard time just getting them up to the Y chute and we could get them no furthur. They finally called 5 min so I just repenned  them.

I worked them both on ducks but just 1 trial.  By  the time the 2nd trial got under way, it was dark and I was tired and they were tired so I just kept my $70.

Today will be 2 arena trials and the competition is extremely tough.  I usually am defeated in my mind before I even get on the field.

And having a cold is not helping either.  I coughed all day yesterday and it seems like it might be a little better today. Might be Too early to tell.

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