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Monday, January 14, 2013

Puppy day

We took a ride to Deland today to have the litter of Golden puppies that were whelped here evaluated and to pick up another pup being donated to Genesis assistance dogs.  That puppy cried all the way home and then she howled  for her littermates when she was out in the pen with the other pups. She appears to be quiet now at 10:30pm.  I can turn a fan on and drown out most noise anyway.

Went to see Lincoln tonight and thought it was great.  I was not bored at all. I had to pay close attention to the movie to keep up. It was really good as a matter of fact.

Dare seems to be feeling better tonight and would like to go out and play(not).  I am going to let him sleep without his e collar on tonight because the thing really freaks him out .  I think that is why is tummy has been upset.  STRESS.

Just got a flyer for another trial with 2 good judges in mid March.  Might have to stay a little longer.

BTW  there is something blooming around here and it smells heavenly!

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