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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As I look around every day, I get annoyed that I can't get the trailer a little cleaner.  I can sweep but that still leaves a lot of dirt in other places that I cannot sweep.  Soo I went to Walmart and bougth a little handheld vacuum.  It's charging  right now. Can't wait to use it.  I know that is weird for me.  I'm sure it won't last.

Today, I walked around and chopped out vile weeds on the property.  I'm sure I didn't get them all but I'm also sure they will be obvious when I do it again.  My shoulder started to get sore. 

I went to the local bank to open and account so the checks I had sitting around could get deposited.. Never know when you will need a good banker.

I also signed up for a drawing class tomorrow night. I hope they have supplies because I don't have anything here.

Dare threw up on the bed last night, but he didn't touch his incision all night long.  Tonight, I think he will sleep in the crate just in case. He is a little depressed from staying inside and inactive so long.

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