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Tuesday, January 1, 2013


In many ways, being a successful retiree is as challenging as being a successful doctor, engineer or business owner. You have to establish your priorities, set goals that make sense for you, and work at them.

It's sometimes hard to decide what your passion is too.  You have to have a passion to keep you interested,alert and active.  Dogs and dog training are my passions but sometimes that ebbs and flows too. It does help when your passion allows you to be social and sometimes I am in a social position and sometimes not so much.  Now here in Fla, it's a little less social because my circle of friends/acquaintences is so  incredibly small. If I had my own property then I could teach again but .. teaching here may be harder.  The sheep here are not useful, but I could definitely go buy some other ones.  I have been holding back on doing that because of the way the property is set up.  But I can change it if I want to spend some money here. When I get back from the trial this coming weekend, I think I will work on setting up some lessons on either sheep or goats. 

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