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Friday, January 7, 2011

Leaving Amy's today

     I got up a little early and had some fresh squeezed oj(Thanks Amy's Mom Leslie)  Gosh it was good. I can't wait to break into my oranges, but I am not looking forward to squeezing them.  But boy do I love it fresh.  Amy went into work late today so we could work dogs before I left.  We worked in a new field to see what Dare would do.  He was a bit weird.  Amy was holding the sheep for us and he went half way out and then cut across and went to sniffing.  Hmmm.  I sent him again and he did this beautiful wide to the fence outrun and went way out in back for the lift.  Hmmm not normal either. Third time he crossed over again and 4 th time he was just about perfect and his lift was fab.  We did just a bit of driving and then quit.  I have no idea what I am going to get tomorrow.  I don't care, just love my dogs.
     Dually worked the front sheep too and he did very nicely .  He only dove in on them once and again he was telling me the whole time he was going to do it so I should have picked up his line but duh I didn't . When will I learn?
     So we hooked up the trailer and I drove it to Amy's workplace where we filled the tires in the trailer with air, They were at 30lbs and should have b een at 50lbs.  On the road by 11:30 and at the campground by 3:30.  I like short driving days.   After driving into this campground which is kinda dumpy, I never expected to  have wifi but Yay I do and a hot shower available too. What more could a girl want.  Oh maybe  a decent place to let the dogs run.  there isn't anyplace to let them off leash.  Too close to the highway.
     Weather says it's going to be 30 tonight.  Maybe I should try camping in warm weather?


  1. Glad you got in safe. Yeah for WiFi! Good luck tomorrow, hopefully the beautiful outrun will show up:-))

  2. snowing here so your ahead of the game there.
    Will be thinking about you guys tomorrow.
    Glad you are just enjoying the dogs.
